Kerensa’s Baby Back Rib Recipe



One our best customers, Kerensa of Blue Range, was kind enough to share her rib recipe with us. This is how she cooks her ribs from Bloom’s and we heard they were good, so we asked her to share. Here it is:

Ingredients Needed:
Soy Sauce – 3 tablespoons
Hoisin Sauce – 4 tablespoons
Garlic – 2 cloves
Honey – 3 tablespoons
Complete seasoning
Sweet Chili Sauce – 3 tablespoons
Black Bean Sauce – 2 tablespoonsCut the ribs into portions. Remove excess membranes from underneath the rack or any excess fat.

Place all ingredients over all ribs making sure to coat evenly.Place ribs into a Zip Loc bag. Place into refrigerator to marinate overnight. Do not throw away the excess sauce, you will need it tomorrow.

The next day:

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Take out of ziploc and place in foil covered roasting pan with 1/4inch water at bottom of pan. Basting ribs with more sauce before placing into oven. Cover pan/ribs with foil.You will cook the ribs for 2.5 hours making sure to uncover and baste ribs every half hour with remaining sauce.

Every 45 minutes turn the ribs over. Last 20mins uncover ribs to colour. Serve and enjoy

Thanks Kerensa!



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