What goes into making ‘other’ burgers? Why are Bloom’s burgers different?

Bloom’s Burgers are 100% USDA Choice Ground chuck. This means that whole cuts of the some of the highest quality beef is used to prepare each of our burgers. The meat is fresh and prepared in state of the art facilities.

Unfortunately, this is not the case for some lower-cost burgers. In order to provide the consumer with a low price, many times other producers will use ANY part of the cow they can. Scraps from the cutting room can be blasted (sometimes with ammonia to prevent E. Coli contamination) and thrown into a grinder. Sometimes, various parts of the animal are used. This is why you sometimes get those chewy pieces of cartilage when you take a bite.

These pieces are ground to a liquid pulp. Then the fillers are added. Fillers serve two purposes in burgers. One, they help bind this liquefied meat. They need your patty to stay together long enough to cook, so they add these binding agents so that the mush will eventually become a burger. Second, they help in stretching the meat to make more burgers. This obviously changes the taste of the beef and the burger, so spices, flavour enhancers and tenderizers are used to mask the taste of the fillers

Why have Bloom’s burgers been so popular? It’s simple, because our burgers are better!  Bloom’s Burgers are made with the highest quality cuts of choice ground chuck. These are whole cuts of beef, not scraps or pieces. We don’t add fillers, tenderizers, additives spices, etc. Bloom’s burgers come out tender and taste like a burger should. We think you should be able to sprinkle with your own seasonings/toppings, instead of having someone do it for you. If you like your burgers medium-rare, you should be able to eat them that way without feeling nervous. If you like them well-done, you shouldn’t have to settle for a tough/dry burger.

We encourage you to try our burgers. Welcome to the Bloom’s Burgers revolution!


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