Now delivering to Chagaramas

We have quite a few customers that are visiting Trinidad via their sailboat, yacht or commercial vessel. Some are chefs for large merchant ships and others are just cruisers sailing through Trinidad. While we may not carry all of your supplies needed for the voyage out, we can certainly help you in the meat department. Most of our meats are USDA certified and individually packaged in small serving sizes, which are usually very important of cruisers and chefs.

Take your time and browse our selection online, place order order and we will deliver the products to the marina you are docked at. We can accept US dollars, TT dollars and credit cards.

The good news is that if you are one of these customers, we can now delivery directly to your boat (assuming you are docked!) No need to order online and book transport from your marina to Diego Martin. As long as your order surpasses our minimum outlined in the delivery information section, we will be happy to deliver it to your boat.



If you need ship chandler services for larger vessels, please contact us at, as we can forward you onto a company here in Trinidad that can help.

